Times do change, after all, and we are not beholden to the demi-gods of the American pantheon for what we should do, but rather to our own selves. This is what Lincoln was fighting for when he talked about “government of the people, by the people, and for the people,” and why those self-same demi-gods embedded the ability to amend the Constitution into itself so that future generations could secure their own liberties. The question is, can we do it?
Read this entryHome – and National – Improvement
In which three police stops – one fictional, one personal, and one news-worthy – teach us about the current state of racism in America.
Read this entryHappy Thanksgiving 2018
This Thanksgiving, I wish to give thanks for all the wonderful people in my life. For my wife, who continues to show me how to make love grow and blossom, sometimes in unexpected ways. For my sons, who even as they grow into adulthood still manage to keep me young. For my nearest and dearest …
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Read this entryBarganing for Admah and Zeboyim
In which the suppression of voting is likened to the destruction of Admah and Zeboyim.
Read this entryTLDR – Kavanaugh Redux, or, Baby It’s Cold in Washington D.C.
In which I explore the more themes interwoven through the Kavanaugh drama being played out in Washington, D.C.
Read this entryTLDR – Kavanaugh and Social Currency
In which social capital is explored.
Read this entryTLDR – Traffic Circles
In which I complain about traffic circles, and what in the world that has to do with the concept of privilege.
Read this entryMore hand-tinting
My process and approach for hand-tinting photographs has gotten a few people to ask about my process – how do I do it? What do they need to also do it? Now that I’ve had some time to experiment with a few different methods and refine my approach, here’s an outline of the process. Note …
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Read this entryHand-tinting Photographs
I’m a sucker for bad photos. No, I don’t mean that I actually like bad photos. But I get suckered into taking them. Even when I know the photo will turn out bad, I still press the shutter button. What makes a bad photo? Poor lighting is one thing, but the photos I generally talk …
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Read this entryTLDR – 58 Days
In which the time frame for mourning has expired, and musing that the Second Amendment is only constitutional by definition.
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